About Zero-G News

ISSN: 1939-8522

Zero-G News is a publication of the Aerospace Research and Engineering Systems Institute, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation that seeks to increase public awareness and education of space exploration. The mission of ARES Institute is to engage students and the public in activities and programs to stimulate their interest in and support for space exploration.

Zero-G News provides news and commentary about the exploration and development of space. Zero-G News’ contributing authors bring unique points of view to the public. Topics covered include:

space exploration, space travel, space policy, commercial space, space entrepreneurs, astronomy, NASA, the Kennedy Space Center, the space shuttle, spacecraft, rockets, missiles, model rockets, amateur rockets, the Moon, Mars, launches, rocket science, space technology, launch sites, launch Vehicles, Cape Canaveral, KSC, Florida, astronaut, asteroid, comets, planets, the Moon and many other topics as well.

Zero-G News seeks to be not only enlightening and thoghtful, but entertaining as well. Articles are posted in weblog format and invite reader comments and debate. A growing downloads section provides video and audio, much of it exclusive to Zero-G News, covering current and historical events and launch footage from Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Center. An image gallery section give members a place to post and share space-related photography with each other.

For more information, send email to Zero-G News at matt@aresinstitute.org


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