Shuttle Mission Crew Presentations

Space Shuttle Video Library STS-1 Through STS-124

Video highlights from each shuttle mission, narrated by the astronauts




1 (STS-1) April 12, 1981 First test flight
2 (STS-2) November 12, 1981 Second test flight; Spacelab pallet
3 (STS-3) March 22, 1982 Third test flight; Spacelab pallet
4 (STS-4) June 27, 1982 Fourth test flight
5 (STS-5) November 11, 1982 Two communication satellites deployed
6 (STS-6) April 4, 1983 Tracking and Data Relay Satellite deployed; EVA
7 (STS-7) June 18, 1983 SPAS-1; first American woman in space
8 (STS-8) August 30, 1983 Deployment of India”s INSAT-1B
9 (STS-9) November 28, 1983 Spacelab
10 (STS-41B) February 3, 1984 Two communication satellites; first test of MMU
11 (STS-41C) April 6, 1984 Deploy LDEF; capture and re-deploy of Solar Max
12 (STS-41D) August 30, 1984 3 communications satellites; solar array deployment
13 (STS-41G) October 5, 1984 Earth Radiation Budget Satellite; EVA
14 (STS-51A) November 8, 1984 Two satellites captured during untethered EVAs
15 (STS-51C) January 24, 1985 [Classified mission, no video released]
16 (STS-51D) April 12, 1985 2 communication satellites deployed; EVA
17 (STS-51B) April 29, 1985 Spacelab
18 (STS-51G) June 17, 1985 3 communication satellites deployed
19 (STS-51F) July 29, 1985 Spacelab
20 (STS-51I) August 27, 1985 2 EVAs; retrieval and re-deploy of LEASAT-3
21 (STS-51J) October 3, 1985 [Classified mission, no video released]
22 (STS-61A) October 30, 1985 Spacelab (German)
23 (STS-61B) November 26, 1985 2 EVAs to practice space construction techniques
24 (STS-61C) January 12, 1986 communication satellite; numerous experiments
25 (STS-51L) January 28, 1986 [Loss of Challenger vehicle and crew during launch]
26 (STS-26) September 29, 1988 Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) launch
27 (STS-27) December 2, 1988 DOD satellite launch [NO SOUND]
28 (STS-29) March 13, 1989 TDRS launch
29 (STS-30) May 4, 1989 Magellan Venus probe launch
30 (STS-28) August 8, 1989 DOD satellite launch [NO SOUND]
31 (STS-34) October 18, 1989 Galileo Jupiter probe launch
32 (STS-33) November 22, 1989 DOD satellite launch
33 (STS-32) January 9, 1990 Retrieve Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF)
34 (STS-36) February 28, 1990 DOD satellite launch [NO SOUND]
35 (STS-31) April 24, 1990 Hubble Space Telescope launch
36 (STS-41) October 6, 1990 Ulysses solar polar satellite launch
37 (STS-38) November 15, 1990 DOD satellite launch [NO SOUND]
38 (STS-35) December 2, 1990 ASTRO-1 observatory
39 (STS-37) April 5, 1991 Gamma Ray Observatory launch, 2 EVAs
40 (STS-39) April 28, 1991 Unclassified DOD mission; SPAS-2
41 (STS-40) June 5, 1991 Spacelab life science mission
42 (STS-43) August 2, 1991 TDRS launch
43 (STS-48) September 12, 1991 Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
44 (STS-44) November 24, 1991 Unclassified DOD mission
45 (STS-42) January 22, 1992 Spacelab
46 (STS-45) March 24, 1992 ATLAS-1 science platform
47 (STS-49) May 7, 1992 3 EVAs for Intelsat VI capture and repair
48 (STS-50) June 25, 1992 Spacelab
49 (STS-46) July 31, 1992 Attempted tethered satellite deployment
50 (STS-47) September 12, 1992 Spacelab
51 (STS-52) October 22, 1992 LAGEOS-II deployment, Microgravity Payload-1
52 (STS-53) December 2, 1992 Department of Defense mission
53 (STS-54) January 13, 1993 TDRS launch, EVA
54 (STS-56) April 8, 1993 ATLAS-2 platform, deploy and retrieve SPARTAN
55 (STS-55) April 26, 1993 Spacelab
56 (STS-57) June 21, 1993 Spacehab, EVA
57 (STS-51) September 12, 1993 ACTS satellite deploy, EVA
58 (STS-58) October 18, 1993 Spacelab
59 (STS-61) December 2, 1993 Hubble Space Telescope repair, 5 EVAs
60 (STS-60) February 3, 1994 Spacehab
61 (STS-62) March 4, 1994 Microgravity experiments
62 (STS-59) April 9, 1994 Space Radar Laboratory
63 (STS-65) July 8, 1994 Spacelab
64 (STS-64) September 9, 1994 LIDAR, SPARTAN, EVA (untethered)
65 (STS-68) September 30, 1994 Space Radar Laboratory
66 (STS-66) November 3, 1994 Spacelab pallet, SPAS
67 (STS-63) February 3, 1995 Mir space station rendezvous, EVA
68 (STS-67) March 2, 1995 Spacelab pallet
69 (STS-71) June 27, 1995 Docking with Mir space station
70 (STS-70) July 13, 1995 TDRS launch
71 (STS-69) September 7, 1995 Wake Shield Facility, EVA
72 (STS-73) October 20, 1995 Spacelab
73 (STS-74) November 12, 1995 Docking with Mir space station
74 (STS-72) January 11, 1996 Retrieve Japan”s Space Flyer Unit, 2 EVAs
75 (STS-75) February 22, 1996 Tethered satellite
76 (STS-76) March 22, 1996 Docking with Mir space station, EVA
77 (STS-77) May 19, 1996 SPACEHAB, SPARTAN
78 (STS-78) June 20, 1996 Spacelab
79 (STS-79) September 16, 1996 Docking with Mir space station
80 (STS-80) November 19, 1996 Wake Shield Facility, SPAS
81 (STS-81) January 12, 1997 Docking with Mir space station
82 (STS-82) February 11, 1992 Hubble Space Telescope servicing, 5 EVAs
83 (STS-83) April 4, 1997 Mission cut short due to fuel cell problem
84 (STS-84) May 15, 1997 Docking with Mir space station
85 (STS-94) July 1, 1997 Microgravity Science Laboratory
86 (STS-85) August 7, 1997 Deployment and retrieval of CRISTA-SPAS
87 (STS-86) September 25, 1997 Docking with Mir space station, EVA
88 (STS-87) November 19, 1997 Microgravity experiments, 2 EVAs
89 (STS-89) January 22, 1998 Docking with Mir space station
90 (STS-90) April 17, 1998 Spacelab
91 (STS-91) June 2, 1998 Docking with Mir space station
92 (STS-95) October 29, 1998 SPACEHAB, John Glenn flight
93 (STS-88) December 4, 1998 First Shuttle ISS assembly flight; 3 EVAs
94 (STS-96) May 27, 1999 ISS supply, EVA
95 (STS-93) July 23, 1999 Deploy Chandra X-Ray Observatory
96 (STS-103) December 19, 1999 Hubble Space Telescope servicing, 3 EVAs
97 (STS-99) February 11, 2000 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
98 (STS-101) May 19, 2000 ISS supply; EVA; boost ISS to higher orbit
99 (STS-106) September 8, 2000 ISS supply and assembly; 2 EVAs
100 (STS-92) October 11, 2000 ISS assembly; 4 EVAs
101 (STS-97) November 30, 2000 ISS assembly; 3 EVAs
102 (STS-98) February 7, 2001 ISS assembly; 3 EVAs
103 (STS-102) March 8, 2001 ISS supply; 2 EVAs
104 (STS-100) April 19, 2001 ISS assembly; 2 EVAs
105 (STS-104) July 12, 2001 ISS assembly; 3 EVAs
106 (STS-105) August 10, 2001 ISS supply; 2 EVAs
107 (STS-108) December 5, 2001 ISS supply; EVA
108 (STS-109) March 1, 2002 Hubble Space Telescope servicing
109 (STS-110) April 8, 2002 ISS assembly; 4 EVAs
110 (STS-111) June 5, 2002 ISS supply; 3 EVAs
111 (STS-112) October 7, 2002 ISS assembly; 3 EVAs
112 (STS-113) November 23, 2002 ISS assembly; 3 EVAs
113 (STS-107) January 16, 2003 [Loss of Columbia vehicle and crew during re-entry]
114 (STS-114) July 26, 2005 ISS supply; test of new safety techniques; 3 EVAs
115 (STS-121) July 4, 2006 ISS supply; test of new safety techniques; 3 EVAs
116 (STS-115) September 9, 2006 ISS assembly; 3 EVAs [NO NARRATION]
117 (STS-116) December 9, 2006 ISS assembly; 4 EVAs
118 (STS-117) June 8, 2007 ISS assembly; 4 EVAs
119 (STS-118) August 8, 2007 ISS assembly; 4 EVAs
120 (STS-120) October 23, 2007 ISS assembly; 4 EVAs
121 (STS-122) February 7, 2008 ISS assembly; 3 EVAs
122 (STS-123) March 11, 2008 ISS assembly; 5 EVAs
123 (STS-124) May 31, 2008 ISS assembly; 3 EVAs


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